During our webinar, which took place in December, we introduced the new Multiple-Intervention EtD Framework and demonstrated the GRADEpro module developed to support the process. You can watch the video recording here:
We received a lot of feedback and interest in using this functionality.
The multiple intervention EtD module in GRADEpro is a tool used to guide decision-making in healthcare interventions that involve multiple treatments or programs. It follows a structured process to evaluate evidence, synthesize findings, and make recommendations based on available evidence and other factors.
To give you the opportunity to try it, we invite all the interested parties who own the organization workspace in GRADEpro to take part in the pre-launch access to this module.
If you are actively doing guidelines in GRADEpro and you would benefit from the multiple intervention EtD framework, please contact us at support@gradepro.org.