We finish this year with a deep sense of satisfaction. The end of the year was very intense, but it resulted in many valuable meetings, trips and updates of GRADEpro software.
In September, we were present at the Guidelines International Network Conference in Manchester. This event gave us an opportunity to present a new tool, Interactive Decision Aid (iDeA). IDeA can help patients to understand experts’ recommendations. A tool can be customized to any needs of different groups of interest, as stake-holders, task-forces or patients and dedicated to chosen carrier as online tool, functionality on the website or a mobile application.

Since October another Evidence Prime’s achievement changed GRADEpro users' life: the full integration of GRADEpro and RevMan. It is possible to connect your (Cochrane) Archie accounts to the GRADEpro system and synchronize data between the RevMan 5 and GRADEpro software.

In November Daria Plutecka, Bart Dietl and Zbys Les led workshops in Brazil on GRADEpro use and other Evidence Prime tools for Ministry of Health, Brazilian methodologists and HTA experts. We were supported by McMaster methodologist, Jan Brozek.

In the meantime our CTO, Artur Nowak, was giving a speech 'Using deep contextualized word representations for Systematic Review Information Extraction' during Text Analysis Conference, Gaithersburg, Maryland USA.

Finally we had another baby born in December, so we became 4 times parents this year!We hope to share with our users a lot of good experiences and ideas in the future! Happy New Year!