ROBINS-I assessment integration

ROBINS-I (Risk Of Bias In Non-randomized Studies - of Interventions) is a tool used to assess a risk of bias in non-randomized studies of interventions.

Outcomes in GRADEpro based on observational studies have now possibility to enable ROBINS-I assessment by clicking the checkbox, as presented on the illustration above. This will change the certainty of evidence calculation in evidence table and options available in risk of bias assessment to the one used in ROBINS-I method. GRADE method calculates certainty of evidence in observational studies, starting from LOW (Which represents lack of certainty in non-randomized studies) certainty and lowering to VERY LOW with any other serious and very serious risk of bias/inconsistency/indirectness/imprecision or publication bias assessment. ROBINS-I option modifies this method. Certainty of evidence of non-randomized studies starts from HIGH and is lowered by 1 level (HIGH/MODERATE/LOW/VERY LOW) each time risk of bias assessment is lowered.

Example: Outcome based on non-randomized studies with “very serious” risk of bias and “serious inconsistency” will be assessed as “VERY LOW” certainty of evidence. Starting from HIGHLowered 2 levels to LOW for “very serious” Risk of BiasLowered 1 level to VERY LOW for “serious” inconsistency of dataYou can learn more about ROBINS-I Tool here:

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